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App Store Overrun by Puritans

9. March 2010


App Store Overrun by Puritans

Technorati Tags: Apple,sexy,ban,remove,App store,hypocritical,Puritan It’s something only a mullah could love. In an incredible turn of events, Apple has reportedly banned all sexual content from the App store, using an outrageously Puritanical set of rules.  No women or men in bikinis? No ice skating tights? Bye bye, Olympics apps? UPDATE:  Some sexy apps survive! How […]

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Distribution of eBooks: More Responsibilities Shift to Publishers

5. March 2010


Distribution of eBooks: More Responsibilities Shift to Publishers

There is a fascinating change going on in book publishing, driven by the explosive growth of eBooks. It represents  yet one more fundamental shift of responsibility to the publisher in the evolution of print. A custom file or metadata table for each of potentially dozens of distributors is needed. The publisher pays for the customization […]

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Kindle 70-30 Deal for Self-Publishers

21. February 2010


Kindle 70-30 Deal for Self-Publishers

This looks like a major step, doesn’t it? Amazon is apparently trying to stay competitive with Apple, B&N and others. A 70/30 split in favor of the content provider seems to be the coming industry standard. But there are a lot of strings attached… . See my analysis after the jump.

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Shueisha Manga Finally Destined for Digital Editions

16. February 2010


Shueisha Plans Global Digital Comics Starting with Dragon Ball Published: 11/16/2009 01:27am Shueisha announced that it will begin selling digital versions of its manga for mobile phones in 28 countries and territories, including Japan and the U.S., beginning early next year.  Initial offerings will include 20 to 30 titles, including Dragon Ball.

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